MiQ Foodkiosk

by Make It Quick



MiQ Foodkiosk has revolutionized the way People Order Food in Restaurants. This automated Self-Ordering Kiosk is physically stationed at Restaurants and Food-Joints for Customers toexperience a Truly Contactless Online Food Ordering and Delivery Process!The Customer walks into a Restaurant wearing a Face Shield on top of a Face Mask. At theentrance of the Restaurant, there is a Foot Pedal Sanitizer Dispenser that Customer makes use ofto cleanse one’ Hands and stay protected from this Highly-Infectious Air-Borne Virus! TheCustomer then walks straight towards the Food Kiosk and Navigates through the Menu like aBreeze because that’s how simple and User-Friendly its Interface is!The Customer chooses to pay in Cash for Charred Shark Tacos with Mint Recado and customizesit with finely chopped Lettuce instead of standard White Onions, Fresh Mint Leaves, FinelyChopped Cilantro Leaves and leaves out Ground Black Pepper and Diced Radishes! And insteadof standard 3 Shark Fillet, the Customer orders for 5 Shark Fillet.Then automatically the Order Details gets sent to the Head Chef who can see the SpecificCustomizations Demanded by the Customer that is displayed on a Fully-Automated Screen andreflects New Orders and as well as Pending Orders. Because of this Contactless Process ofPlacing Orders without the involvement of Restaurant’ In’ House Servers, people have beguntrusting these Food-Joints with their Hygiene Standards.This Kiosk has immensely facilitated Social Distancing Norms which were in the Guidelines of theWorld Health Organizations’(WHO) Covid-19 Safety Protocol. After waiting for 20 minutes, theOrder is Ready and the Customer decides to Take-Away the Package and eat from the comfortsof one’s home! However, the Customer could have also chosen to Dine-In instead because thereis always an alternative!The current situation of the Restaurants and Food Joints are far better than it was during the Peakof the Covid-19 Catastrophe when many Restaurants were running in huge losses and wereforced to close their shutters forever because people had stopped Ordering Food OnlineAltogether!They dreaded the thought of contracting this lethal virus by contracting it from the AsymptomaticDelivery Driver or the Food Package itself because the Virus can stay alive for up to 7-8 Hours ona Surface!This is when a Feature was introduced wherein Restaurant Owners’ were asked to click andupload pictures of Sanitized Kitchens, Working Stations to give assurance to the Public at largethat all the WHO Covid-19 Hygiene Standards are being strictly followed and accordingly theseOwners were also awarded WHO Safety Badges! The Pictures of Clean Cold Storage Rooms,Pantry, Chefs’ and Servers’ wearing Face Masks and Gloves, Regular Temperature Check-Ups ofIn-House Delivery Drivers!This all helped in gaining the trust back of the Customers!